Happy Easter! The weather is absolutely stunning in Vancouver this Good Friday and I hope everyone is enjoying the balmy and sunny weather.
We have had the last two weeks off, and it has been great to spend time with family and to get on top of my work! Here are a few updates from the Challenge Centre so that you are in the loop with what is going on:
1. I am finishing reports/certificates for the following programs and schools should have these by the following week: Debating Gr. 6, Engineering Gr. 5/6, The Write Stuff Gr. 4/5, and Creative Think Tank Gr. 3. Thank you schools and parents for waiting for these reports....I know they have been a long time coming, but I finally got to them!
2. The following programs are coming up in April:
- Mind Your Math Gr. 4/5 is being held on April 3,4,10,11th (this next week)
- Engineering Gr.3/4 runs April 8,9,15,16th
- Book Club Group 1 meets Wednesday April 17th
- Animalia Gr. 3/4 runs April 22, 23, 29, 30th
- Book Club Group 2 meets Wednesday April 24th
It is looking to be an extremely busy month!!!
3. Invitations for Programs:
I am still sorting out invitations for programs. The following program invitations will be sent out over the next few weeks:
- Design Your Own Universe May 6,7, and 8th
- Fairy Tale Adventures May 27, 28, and 29th
- Gizmos and Gadgets June 3, 4, and 5th NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE
4. Gizmos and Gadgets Change of Date:
Gizmos and Gadgets was originally to be held May 13, 14, 15th; however, I am moving that to the first week of June (June 3, 4, 5th) due to scheduling conflicts.
5. Planning for the End of the Year:
One of my goals this year was to lessen the paperwork for all; what I want to do is to get information back to schools, in June, detailing:
a. for each school: students serviced at the challenge centre this year, and students that did not receive a placement.
- For example, if Green elementary submitted 8 referrals this year and 3 students were placed in a program, and 5 did not receive a program, then I will give this information back to the school.
- Then, the school can decide for next year....perhaps one of the five who did not receive a spot really needs that service, so their priority will be to look at those 5 whom did not receive a program.
- I have the paperwork for all 8 students, and I do not need the school to have to fill out new applications on their behalf again...basically they can submit the name back to me.
b. Instead of schools having to resubmit forms, I want to keep the forms on file, and the schools, with their updated list from me, can tell me:
- if they want that child to be considered for programs the next year
- or choose another student that was not accepted
- or send in new forms for another student
If this sounds confusing, do not worry; we will be sending out information that clearly explains the new process for next year. This information will be coming out in May so that schools are clear what needs to be done for the 2013-2014 school year.
If you have any questions, please email me at:
Happy Easter!