Sunday, January 26, 2014

Individual Projects

In just under a week, we will be seeing students for the seminar on "Individual Projects".  Here, we will be taking students through the steps in order to carry out research on a topic area of their choice.

I have sent out a letter to the schools requesting the following so please make sure students have the following information:

1.     Students should have an idea of something they would like to study for their individual project.  This should be a topic/person/historical event/concept they are interested in learning more about, or something they are passionate about. 
2.     If a student has an area of interest, he/she should begin to think about specific questions concerning their topic. 

3.     The student needs to bring in some primary sources for researching their project.  This can be books from the library, or on-line resources.  Although we have wireless internet in the classroom, we only have a few computers.  Therefore, students can bring in their own laptops, ipads, or computer devices whereby they can get online.  All items will be secured and locked up during recess and lunch, so there is no need to worry about items being lost or stolen.  

4.     WE will be learning about the following:

·      How to research using on line resources, primary resources, and how to take notes and put information into our own words.
·      How to put a project together in four days.
·      How to share and present learning to others in an original format.
·      How to create effective products of learning to demonstrate understanding.
·      It is hoped, by completing this seminar, that students are able to create their own projects in the future in a comprehensive format!

Thank you for sending your child/student to the challenge centre.  If you require more information, please feel free to contact me at Brock Elementary at 604-713-5766 or email me at:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome to Term Two and New Year's Reflections...

Hello teachers, parents, students, and colleagues!  I am looking forward to 2014.  Yesterday, in line at the grocery store, I ran into a parent of one of my former students....and I found out that this student is 27 years old and is getting married!  

It made me long have I been teaching?   How long have I been doing this?  Sometimes it seems like FOREVER, and other times it seems like I am just beginning my career.  How can my job one day make me think...."I know what I am doing and I am the expert", and the next day..."I have absolutely no idea what I am doing!"?   Hmm...seems a lot like parenting...just one step ahead of the game at all times.

Well, that is the beauty of is an ever changing and evolving job. 

So, this term.... we are focusing on our grade 4-7 intermediate learners.  Here are the programs being offered up to spring break.

1.  Mind Your Math                Gr. 6/7               January 7, 8, 14, 15/ 2014
2.  Individual Projects            Gr. 5/6/7            February 4, 5, 11, 12/ 2014
3.  Marvellous Math               Gr. 4/5               February 24, 25, 26/ 2014
4.  Creative and Poetic          Gr. 4/5                March 4, 5  11, 12/ 2014

5.  Readers are Leaders        Gr. 4/5/6/7    Feb. 6/ Mar. 6/ Apr. 10/ May 8/2014                                                                    

For those of you new to our process, we have already accepted students for our programs this year.  

In May, we will be accepting applications for the following school year - we will keep you informed about this in the spring.

Also to note:  we are working with gifted and gifted twice exceptional students in our programs and we are not separating the students into different groups.  We are working with all students, focusing on strengths and interests. 

Next week we are learning about famous mathematicians and their theories.  Welcome to 2014!