Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break and New Directions

As we head back to school in a few days, I have had to think about the direction this blog, and ultimately, the direction I am taking in my career.

In the fall, I left the Challenge Centre position I had held for 8 years, taking on a new role with the Vancouver School Board, as the District Mentor Teacher for Gifted Education.  Although this job has been a wonderful learning opportunity for myself, I have missed teaching students.  I have missed being in the classroom, and I have missed creating lesson plans, interacting with students, and being part of a school setting.  

So, I have decided to return to the classroom to be a teacher.  I don't know where, what grade, or how I will be using my skills, however, I am so excited to actually have a class full of learners and to have a journey to embark upon.

Although I have amassed a lifetime of knowledge and understanding about gifted students, I am honoured to now share this expertise with all learners.   Even though I don't yet know where I will be, I am beginning to think of interesting ways to engage learners, organize my room, and be creative with students.

So, I will continue to update this blog with what is going on with gifted learners until June.  Although I do not know what the future will bring, I will keep you posted.

How to become a better person