Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Write Stuff

The first program I am offering in the 2011-12 school year is called "The Write Stuff" and I am pulling in some fantastic writers in grades 3 and 4.  This is a pre-selected group of students.

The program will be about narrative writing, and is geared towards students that have shown some interest or talent in the written word.  Basically, these students love to write!

The Write Stuff  September 19, 20, 27/ 2011
In this program, we will study how to be a good writer; we will talk about good writers we like to read.  We will look at:
  • how to develop characters in a story
  • how to come up with a problem in a story
  • how to pace our story and come up with an outline or direction for the story
  • how to capture the reader in the introduction (good beginnings)
  • how to use dialogue
  • strategies to keep writing at home and in school and continue with our writing passion
As this is only a three day program, students will be working on a story or short novel. 

What is the purpose of the program?
1.  To have students who are good writers, meet with other like minded writers to share ideas and get inspired.

2.  To learn more about writing in a program where I can focus on their skills and needs in a more intense and specific manner.  

3.  To have students go back to their school environment with a new focus on writing.   

I can't wait to meet the students in September, and if you are one of the students coming to program, I hope you are enjoying your summer! See you soon!

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