Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Beautiful Book

One of my students in the Grade 4 book club recommended this book to me.  It is called "Journey to the River Sea" by the late Eva Ibbotson.

What a beautiful book.  I could not put it down and read it in one sitting.  I have now purchased another book by the same author titled "The Dragonfly Pool", which I will hopefully find time to read soon.

Why did I like this book?  It was a beautiful tale about the Amazon River, finding oneself, and friendship.  It was so nice to read a book that wasn't "over the top" as some literature is today (think Hunger Games, etc), but a nice story that all students can read and get drawn into.  

I was impressed with the grade four readers I worked with last week.  Their passion for reading and their wide range of interest in novels was so refreshing and wonderful.  When I sat down and asked the students to recommend novels  or stories they had read, I thought we would have a 10 minute discussion, but instead, the students talked and shared books for nearly an hour.  I needed to write some of those titles down, too, as I am always learning from the students what to read! 

Thank you Grade are truly amazing and inspiring and I now have lots of book suggestions  for Spring Break!

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