Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Images of Greatness 2012

I am hosting the "Images of Greatness Challenge Centre" for Grade 6 and 7 students.  Every year the students create new and wonderful projects!  This year the students have picked great leaders to do projects on:  Napoleon, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, DaVinci...

 Walt Disney, Terry Fox, Shakespeare, and 


This year, I have had the students focus on leadership while researching their eminent person.  How is this person a leader?  In what area are they a leader?  How did (does) this person contribute to society?  

We spent the first day...looking at leadership, and figuring out how to do research on line; the students were able to figure out who they wanted to research right away, and they also were able to begin creating their own products of learning.  I liked how original and creative their ideas are.  Always a pleasure to see the focus and to experience their ideas coming alive.

I never have a student who can't think of a project.  I also love how each student takes the project and learning to their own level.  Although I provide an outline of what needs to be accomplished, I also keep the projects open ended so that the students have some freedom to go where they need to.  

Tomorrow, the last day, students will be presenting their projects.  The assignments are split between more traditional poster board projects and smart board/ powerpoint presentations.  Many students are interested in designing quizzes to give to their classmates! 

Great job, Grade 6 and 7's!

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