Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You Can Learn Anything!

A great video about our ability to learn put forth by the Khan Academy

If you haven't been to the site of Khan Academy, you should!  It is a great place to view videos about science and math topics.  I use it to help my 12 year old review math concepts that he may have forgot or how to learn new concepts that aren't well explained in math text books.  

Job Action Update and the Challenge Centre:  soon we will have our programs posted for the school year, and we will be sending out letters to schools informing them of class placements in our district programs.  This will occur once we are back in school.  Please understand that we will require some time to get the information out to schools, and your patience is appreciated.

Enjoy the final days of our glorious summer!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tentative Schedule for the Challenge Centre Programs

The summer has been beautiful in Vancouver, and I hope that everyone has been enjoying the break.  Three weeks until the school year begins ( I hope that we will be returning on schedule) and I am posting our tentative challenge centre programming for the 2014-15 school year:

Challenge Centre Programs 2014-15: Tentative Schedule

In June, we began the process of casting students for programs, based on school need and a good fit between student strengths and programming options. Due to job action, we could not send out the information to schools, so hopefully we will be able to do this at the beginning of the school year.  Therefore, we are hoping that schools will get the information about programming in the first few weeks of school.  Fingers crossed we will be back!