Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Reminder Bag

I am grateful that my sons' have had such fantastic teachers at their school.

I do love this idea from Bruno's teacher.  At the parent teacher night, she made a little bag filled with small items, with a note that explained what each item represents.  I would love to make my own "Reminder Bag" with a class, if I ever go back to teaching a class.  This note reminds me of why we do our job and our mission as teachers to care for and support our community. (Note:  there is a religious message in the note above, as our sons' attend a Catholic school, however, depending on where and what you teach, you can frame your message any way you like!)

What would you put in your reminder bag?

1 comment:

Ana said...

Hi Marielle, my daughter attended the Challenge Centre last Spring with you. I am also a writer and am going to write a story about gifted children, I'd like to interview you if possible. Could you drop me a line please? I can't find your contact info here on the blog. My email is ana dot calabresi at gmail dot com. Thanks!