Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Resource Teachers Orientation Sessions

Being a resource teacher is equivalent to being a super-hero!  All the things to know and to do and forms to fill out....

Often, resource teachers are given the task of supporting gifted students in their schools.  I am indebted to you for taking on this task and for being our link and support in the schools.  A million thanks to all of you!

At the beginning of the school year, there are wonderful sessions for resource teachers, and I am offering a session to help support gifted learners!

Here's the info:

An Introduction to the Challenge Centre Referral Process and Administering the Canadian Test of Cognitive Skills

Part one of this program introduces you to the Challenge Centre located at Brock Elementary, and briefly discusses the kinds of learning that take place and the students who most benefit from participation.  You will learn how to write and submit effective referrals, and how to track participation in gifted programming.

Part two covers the procedures for administering the Canadian Test of Cognitive SkillsThis test is used as a screening tool for some gifted programs (MACC), but not for the challenge centre.  However, it is a useful tool to get more information about a student, particularly if you want to know their cognitive strengths.  

When:  Wed. Sept. 21, 2011
Time:   1-3 pm
Where:  VSB Room 108

Our Team in Gifted Education, is also offering two other workshops for resource teachers:

Working with Twice Exceptional Learners
Do you work with gifted students who have challenges with written output, organization, social skills, or have other learning difficulties?  You may be working with a Twice Exceptional (Gifted LD) learner.
This session will provide a general overview of working with Twice Exceptional learners in the Resource room and classroom and will provide a toolkit including:  Identification and Adaptation checklists, a handbook with classroom strategies, and information on writing IEP's for Gifted and Twice Exceptional learners.

When:  Tues. Sept. 27th
Time:  9-12
Where:  VSB Room 120
Presenter:  Megan Chrostowski

Identifying Gifted Learners
Who is the gifted child?  The definition goes beyond a high IQ.  This workshop will be helpful in identifying students for district and school-based VSB gifted/enrichment programs and services.  It will provide participants with assessment techniques and tools based on gifted learners' talents, interests, and unique academic and emotional needs.  Procedures to follow when applying for a "P" designation will be discussed.

When:  Thurs. Sept. 15/2011
Time:    9-12
Where: VSB Room 108
Presenter: Rosemary Burd and Teresa Milden

For all of these programs, please go to the VSB website Professional Development Opportunities and sign up. There are still spaces!

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