Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back in the swing of things

Fighting an enormous cold, and dealing with computer issues have kept me away from blogging, but not teaching.  I have just finished working with the Operation Civilization students, and wrapped up the book club with Grade fours, and I am starting to work with grade two's next week in a science workshop called Gizmos and Gadgets.

What a busy spring it has been.  First off, I have to show the projects created in the Future is Wild Challenge Centre Program that took place during the first two weeks of April.  Here are their fantastic projects: 

The students created their own creature uniquely adapted to a is such a fun project and the budding scientists enjoy it immensely.

I often allow for more creative interpretations...some of the students cross animals that wouldn't generally breed, but we are talking about millions of years in the future and how animals will change and adapt and we use the Future is Wild DVD's to help scaffold the learning.  

Students are responsible for creating:  habitat, den and living space, life cycle and family life; predator and  prey, physical attributes, adaptations, and the fun part:  create a latin name for the animal. 

Students created a three dimensional model of their creature, and presented their learning to their peers.  We touched on concepts such as natural selection, endangered animals, species of animals, and classification systems. 

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