Friday, February 15, 2013

The Great Debate

One of my favourite Challenge Centres this year is "The Great Debate".  I decided to offer a seminar in debating for grade 6 and 7 students because it a a great way to:

-get at higher level thinking skills (top of Bloom's Taxomomy- synthesis, evaluation, analysis)
-research current events and worldly topics
-promote critical thinking
-build on team work
-enhance self confidence 

And...finally,  provide a great way for students to learn the fine art of "arguing" an idea in a systematic fashion.

However, planning the debate was another story:  there are many types of debating, and because I had never witnessed a local debate tournament, I was a bit unsure of how to proceed: parliamentary,  standard, or cross examination style debating?  I eventually tried the standard and the cross examination style, which were both a bit challenging.  Students had to learn how to effectively cross examine the other team, as well as give strong rebuttals.  

Regardless of the style, it was the process that proved so valuable and rewarding.  The students just took off!  And from a teacher's standpoint, each time I taught the process, I was able to think of better ways to make it work.  I  think that debating is a fantastic way to pull together so many of the ideas we work with in gifted education: critical thinking, articulation of ideas, public speaking, logical reasoning, and research.   

I am hoping that I can get some time to see university or high school students debate, and furthermore, refine my practice in teaching and mentoring the students in this process.  

Lastly, I would like to thank the grade 6 and 7 students involved in this process - all of you were critical thinkers and you were inspirational!

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