Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's called Paperwork

A great part of my job is reading applications, and creating and emailing personal invitations to the programs.  This year, our team working in gifted education decided to have two deadlines for programs, instead of having them staggered throughout the year.  We are hoping to make it less onerous for the teachers who have to fill out application after application on behalf of students.

So, what I received in late October, were hundreds of applications for programs.  I have been working on sorting through them, and letting schools know whether or not students have been accepted.  I have done that for the following programs:  Images of Greatness which I am teaching right now, and the next two programs:  Debating 7 and Debating 6.  

Later this week, I am working on getting out the invitations for "Creative Think Tank", and next week, "Notable Novels".   Finally, in December, I will be sending out invitations for "Mind Your Math" and "Engineering".

So, if you are a teacher at a school  and you haven't heard back from me, keep in mind that I haven't figured out all of the class placements yet.  However, if you submitted an application for Debating and Images of Greatness, and you haven't heard, then your student(s) didn't get in.

New this year:  due to the time constraints, I won't be able to send out individual waitlist letters.  So if you haven't heard by the time the program rolls around, then your student(s) did not get in.  

Instead, I am going to send out summary letters to each school at the end of the year, listing who received a program and who did not.  This will show you how we serviced students from your school, and you will be able to use it in the following year to figure out who to recommend for programs.

I hope this helps...if you need more clarification, you can call or email me.  Thanks again, teachers, for your timely response to deadlines!

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