Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gifted Contact Meeting

Before I head off for summer, I am furiously planning dates for next year to be ready for our Gifted Handbook that goes out to schools in the fall.  

If you are one of the VSB gifted contacts, thank you for a fantastic year.  Your help and support for the students in your schools that may need gifted programming  is very important.

We have many wonderful things in store for next year!  The Contact Meeting, which is our initial meeting with all the teachers who will be our Contacts at the schools will take place on October 3rd, 2011. At this time, we will distribute our handbook and you will hear about all of our programs for the year; including Challenge Centres, Twice Exceptional Challenge Centres, the MACC program,  Mentorship, Future Problem Solving Programs, the GOLD program, the Transition Program, and other support that the Gifted Team can offer to students.

I look forward to seeing you there!  But not before we have some sunshine...

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