Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Parenting Your Gifted Child

Just found this amazing article on Parenting Your Gifted Child 
in a parent friendly question and answer format. 

I know that many teachers are concerned with gifted students who have social issues or may lack social skills or graces.  

Often, these students aren't aware of how they are perceived by others, and their quest for knowledge, for answers, and for insights, and their connections are beyond most people.  

Dr. Vidisha Patel, a therapist in Sarasota Florida and a member of the Board of Directors of SENG (Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted) answers some very interesting questions.
Here are a few samples of the questions put to Dr. Patel:

How can parents avoid using giftedness as a way to excuse unacceptable behaviour?

What are the specific challenges facing parents with regard to teaching gifted children the social graces?

What are the most crucial social skills kids need to learn?

This is a great article to print or make reference to in parent workshops, and information sessions for parents. 

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