Friday, May 20, 2011

What some of us are reading in the Challenge Centre

I make it a habit to ask all the students I see, "What are you reading?".  As a former teacher of the MACC program, which is a full time multi-age class of highly gifted learners, I found that one inherent commonality of all the students was their voracious love of reading.  Their inherent passion and love for books was so inspiring for me. 

One of my greatest moments as a teacher, was finding the Harry Potter series back in the 90's, and reading it for the first time to my class.  We were all mesmorized and this book, as it was a huge turning point for children's literature (this book opened up children's literature for my generation).

So, I was very excited in talking with this student about the book he was reading: A Little History of the World.
This fantastic student is in grade three, and he has a wonderful concept of history and how the world works.  I am going to read this book and learn.

I am continually amazed and blessed by these wonderful learners I have the opportunity to meet.  Thank you for your energy and enthusiasm for learning.

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